Welcome to the Iwata Public Library.
- Opening Hours
- Closed
- When you borrow books for the first time(初めて本を借りるとき)
- When you borrow materials(資料を借りるとき)
- When you return materials(資料を返すとき)
- When you want to renew books(続けて同じ本を借りたいとき)
- About reservation and request service(予約・リクエストサービスについて)
- Photocopy service(コピーサービス)
- Reference service(調べたいことがあるとき)
- Internet service(インターネット)
- Information(案内)
Opening Hours
- Central Library
- Tuesday – Friday 9:00〜19:00 Saturday,Sunday,National holidays 9:00〜17:00
- Fukude Library / Ryuyo Library / Toyooka Library / Garden of books and people, Nikotto
- Tuesday – Sunday 9:30〜18:00
- Central Library
- Mondays
The end of the year and New Year’s holidays(Dec.29−Jan.3)
The 4th Friday of each month - Fukude Library
- Mondays
National holidays
The end of the year and New Year’s holidays(Dec.29−Jan.3)
The 4th Thursday of each month - Ryuyo Library
- Mondays
National holidays
The end of the year and New Year’s holidays(Dec.29−Jan.3)
The 4th Wednesday of each month - Toyooka Library
- Mondays
National holidays
The end of the year and New Year’s holidays(Dec.29−Jan.3)
The 4th Wednesday of each month - Garden of books and people, Nikotto(ひと・ほんの庭 にこっと)
- Mondays
The end of the year and New Year’s holidays(Dec.29−Jan.3)
The 4th Thursday of each month - Nagafuji Library
- Saturday
Nagafuji Library
The end of the year and New Year’s holidays(Dec.29−Jan.3) - others
- During general inventory of each Library
When you borrow books for the first time(初めて本を借りるとき)
Please fill out the “Application Form”, and the applicant brings it in person to the information counter with the “Necessary Documents” as below.
Necessary Documents
- The citizen of Iwata: documents which certify your name and address etc. (e.g. driver’s license, health insurance certificate, student ID, resident card, individual number card, etc.)
- Those working or attending school in Iwata City: documents which certify not only your name and address etc. but also your place of employment or attending school
- Those living in the neighboring cities or town (Fukuroi City, Mori Town, Kakegawa City, Kikugawa City, Omaezaki City): not only documents which certify your name and address etc. but also your library card issued by the municipality to which you belong
“Library Card” is valid for five years after the registration or the renewal.
When you borrow materials(資料を借りるとき)
Please bring materials with your library card to the lending counter.
You can borrow up to 10 books and 2 audio-visual materials for 2 weeks at a time.
* If you have any item on loan which exceeded two weeks or more after the loan period, you will not be allowed to check-out or reserve other items. Please return it as soon as possible.
When you return materials(資料を返すとき)
Your library card is not necessary. Please bring only materials to the return counter.
You can return materials to any of the city library.
When the library is closed, please put books into the “BOOK POST”.
* You should bring audio-visual materials to the return counter when the library is open.
Therefore, the condition remains “on loan” until the procedure of returning is finished.
When you want to renew books(続けて同じ本を借りたいとき)
If another member has not reserved the items which you have been borrowing, you can extend the loan period for two weeks only once for three days before the loan period expires.
The procedures can be performed at the information counter, by OPAC (the terminals for library users), on the website or on the telephone.
About reservation and request service(予約・リクエストサービスについて)
When you cannot find books you want to read on the shelf, please ask at the information counter.
You can search all books of all libraries of the city at any library.
In case the book is out on loan, we will notify you as soon as it becomes available on condition that you request it.
If there is no book you want to read, we will purchase it or borrow it from the library inside and outside of prefecture,and meet your request possibly.
See here for the method of reservation and search.
* Regarding the requested items, we will purchase them or borrow them from the libraries in the prefecture or in other prefectures. But we do not always assure of our purchase.
Photocopy service(コピーサービス)
You can make copies of only items in the library under the copyright law.
Please fill out the application form and bring it to the reference counter with materials you want to copy. You can make copies by self-service at Central Library.
Black & White 10 yen per sheet / Color 50 yen per sheet
* Due to the Copyright Law, only library material can be copied and you cannot copy whole material.
Reference service(調べたいことがあるとき)
When you want to examine something, please feel free to consult. We help you look for materials and information.
Internet service(インターネット)
You can use the Internet in the library within 30 minutes once a day.
Please apply at the information counter.
- Central Library 中央図書館
- Address : 3599-5, Mitsuke, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka 〒438-0086 Map
Phone : 0538-32-5254 - Fukude Library 福田図書館
- Address : 1552-1, Fukude, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka 〒437-1203 Map
Phone : 0538-58-3300 - Ryuyo Library 竜洋図書館
- (We collect materials about music. )
Address : 6605-3, Toyooka, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka 〒438-0231 Map
Phone : 0538-66-7788 - Toyooka Library 豊岡図書館
- Address : 48, shimonobe, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka 〒438-0195 Map
Phone : 0539-62-3210 - Garden of books and people, Nikotto ひと・ほんの庭 にこっと
- (There is an astronomical observation room. The meeting is held every Saturday at 19:00 and you need to reserve.)
Address : 304, Kamiaraya, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka 〒438-0831 Map
Phone : 0538-36-1711 - Nagafuji Library ながふじ図書館
- Address : 243, Kamo, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka 〒438-0804 Map
Phone : 0538-36-1525
- Library materials are for everyone. Please handle them carefully.
- You must observe a lending period.
- Smoking is prohibited inside the library.
- No food or drink except in a designated area.
- You must change your cellular phone into Manner mode.
- Please be quiet in the library.